This menu configures the IP addresses assigned to VPN clients
Client Addresses ( Figure C) are accessible by clicking the appropriate Edit… button.Like a password, it should be complex and not easy to guess. Secure nature of VPN access, the Shared Secret accepts alphanumeric charactersĪnd symbols. Will be used by the client end-point to authenticate with the VPN. Next, create a Shared Secret ( Figure B).Set VPN Host Name to either the static IPĪssigned to OS X Server or the hostname if configured through 3rd-partyĭNS entries or domain name registration (the latter allows access to the VPN.Set Configure VPN for: L2TP (PPTP is consideredĬryptographically less secure and not recommended).Click the Restart VPN button for the changes to.If running OS X Server 3.0, please note the known software bug ( Figure A) that preventsĬlients from connecting to VPN servers (this issue was addressed by Apple and should be installed prior to proceeding with configuration).
Here are the requirements for configuring VPN services in OS